Monday, January 8, 2018

Blessings from above

From your lofty house, you water the mountains. The earth is filled full by the fruit of what you’ve done. ~ Psalm 104:13 (CEB)

But he never left them without evidence of himself and his goodness. For instance, he sends you rain and good crops and gives you food and joyful hearts. ~ Acts 14:17 (NLT)

No matter what happens we are never left without evidence of God's goodness extended toward us.
Lord, you are always so kind. Even when you seem quiet you are still making yourself known and taking care of us. I'm kind of stubborn, though, and I like to have all the evidence and blessings packaged in my own special way. Forgive my arrogance and help me to see the benefit of the way you send your blessings. I know that you will not turn your back on me. Amen.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Stop worrying

When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them. ~ Psalm 146:4 (NLT)

Can any of you live a bit longer by worrying about it? ~ Matthew 6:27 (GNT)

All our plans eventually vaporize. So trust God and quite worrying.
Lord, you are totally trustworthy and I appreciate that. I confess, though, that I don't always trust you. I enjoy worrying because it makes me feel like I can come up with a lasting solution to an overwhelming problem. Please grant me the humility to stop worrying. I'm going to look to you for solutions and not fret when I can't see what you are doing. Amen.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Jesus freak!

The first Sunday after Epiphany

I’ll raise up a prophet for them from among their fellow Israelites—one just like you. I’ll put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. ~ Deuteronomy 18:18 (CEB)

Philip went and found Nathanael and told him, “We’ve found the One Moses wrote of in the Law, the One preached by the prophets. It’s Jesus, Joseph’s son, the one from Nazareth!” ~ John 1:45 (MSG)

Jesus is the one we've been expecting.
Lord God, thank you for sending your Son Jesus into our world to speak and act-out your plan for us. I confess that I don't pay enough attention to Jesus. I've become an expert in religious matters that touch on Jesus but am not totally consumed with him. I need to become singularly focused on Jesus so that everything else will come into focus. I want to become a Jesus freak this year. Amen.

Friday, January 5, 2018

The light of Jesus


“Look! Your God!” Look at him! God, the Master, comes in power, ready to go into action. He is going to pay back his enemies and reward those who have loved him. ~ Isaiah 40:10 (MSG)

Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God’s Sunrise will break in upon us, Shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death... ~ Luke 1:78-79 (MSG)

God will make things right when he comes.
Merciful God, I am most grateful for the way that you sent your Son Jesus to intervene in human history and to begin the peace process. Save me from the worry of dark days. I know that I need to trust that your sunrise will roll around and that your light will clear things up. I'm going to live for the light of Jesus. Amen.



The Daily Texts have been published by the Moravian Church since 1731. In 2015 I started posting these Bible verses for my spiritual formation students at Pacific Islands University. In the process of responding to the verses, I found the rhythm of looking for a common thread and writing a prayer based on that key idea to be helpful for my own soul.

The prayers are more or less modeled on the TRIP method, which is what I ask my students to do in their journaling. ~ Brad Boydston


ABP = Authorized Boydston Paraphrase -- a freestyle biblical adaptation -- somewhere between paraphrase, commentary, and sermon

CEB = Common English Bible (©2011, the Common English Bible)

CEV = Contemporary English Version (©1995, American Bible Society)

EEB = EasyEnglish Bible (©2015, MissionAssist)

ERV = Easy-To-Read Version (©2006, World Bible Translation Center)

GNT = Good News Translation (©1992, American Bible Society)

MSG = The Message (©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson)

NCB = New Catholic Bible (©2019 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp.)

NCV = New Century Version (©2005, Thomas Nelson Inc)

NIRV = New International Reader's Version (©1996, 1998, Biblica)

NIV = New International Version (©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, Biblica)

NLT = New Living Translation (©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, Tyndale House Foundation)

NRSV = New Revised Standard Version (© 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.)

NTE = New Testament for Everyone (©2011 Nicolas Thomas Wright.)

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