Sunday, January 28, 2024


The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

PSALM 86:9 (CEB)
All the nations that you’ve made will come
and bow down before you, Lord;
they will glorify your name...

I heard a loud voice from the throne say, "Look! God’s dwelling is here with humankind. He will dwell with them, and they will be his peoples. God himself will be with them as their God."

The world can come bow down to God because God comes to live among us.

How does the future of heaven relocated to earth affect how you are approaching things today?

God, you keep doing this wonderful thing — making yourself present among us. Forgive me for living as though I don't really expect things to change. Recharge my sense of hope and help me to live with appropriate anticipation. I'm looking forward to your kingdom coming and your will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you would protect us from all forms of evil. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024


1 KINGS 3:11-12 (NLT)
So God replied (to Solomon), "Because you have asked for wisdom in governing my people with justice and have not asked for a long life or wealth or the death of your enemies—I will give you what you asked for! I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has had or ever will have!"

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Our goal is to live into God's good, pleasing, and perfect will.

To what degree is it possible to live into God's good, pleasing, and perfect will, without seeking wisdom from him?

Holy One, I turn to you to discern what is good, acceptable, and perfect in your sight. I am tempted to conform to this culture's values for life and riches. The pull is strong, yet subtle. Keep me alert to these enticements. Center me on your virtues. Lead me to understand your ways, my guide and my Lord. Amen. (Daily TextsGround Up Grace edition)

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you would protect us from all forms of evil. 

Friday, January 26, 2024


PSALM 16:11 (ABP)
You show me the pathway that leads to life.


Jesus said to his apprentices, "If you're trying to preserve your way of life, you'll end up losing your very life. Ironically, the only way to save your life is to sacrifice everything for me and my agenda."

Gain life by sacrificing your life for Jesus and his kingdom.

Practically speaking, what does it look like to sacrifice your life for Jesus?

Leader God, I'm grateful that you guide us along a pathway that is full of life. I admit, though, that I'm too used to leading my own life. Receiving direction and guidance is hard for me because I don't want to relinquish control or appear like I don't know what I'm doing. Give me the will and humility to release control of my life into your hands. I really do want to travel on the pathway of life. Amen.

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you would protect us from all forms of evil. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024


PSALM 89:15 (MSG)
Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise,
who shout on parade in the bright presence of GOD.

JOHN 8:12 (CEB)
Jesus spoke to the people again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me won’t walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

Jesus is all the light we need to experience life.

What is one way that Christ has brought light into your life?

Your light, O Christ, is all that we need to move forward with our lives. Forgive me for stepping out of the beam to explore the darkness. Help me to walk inside the light beam without drifting. My goal is to faithfully walk in the light of Christ. Amen. 

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you would protect us from all forms of evil. 



The Daily Texts have been published by the Moravian Church since 1731. In 2011 I started posting these Bible verses for my spiritual formation students at Pacific Islands University. In the process of responding to the verses, I found the rhythm of looking for a common thread and writing a prayer based on that key idea to be helpful for my own soul.

The prayers are more or less modeled on the TRIP method, which is what I ask my students to do in their journaling. ~ Brad Boydston


ABP = Authorized Boydston Paraphrase -- a freestyle biblical adaptation -- somewhere between paraphrase, commentary, and sermon

CEB = Common English Bible (©2011, the Common English Bible)

CEV = Contemporary English Version (©1995, American Bible Society)

EEB = EasyEnglish Bible (©2015, MissionAssist)

ERV = Easy-To-Read Version (©2006, World Bible Translation Center)

GNT = Good News Translation (©1992, American Bible Society)

MSG = The Message (©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson)

NCB = New Catholic Bible (©2019 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp.)

NCV = New Century Version (©2005, Thomas Nelson Inc)

NIRV = New International Reader's Version (©1996, 1998, Biblica)

NIV = New International Version (©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, Biblica)

NLT = New Living Translation (©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, Tyndale House Foundation)

NRSV = New Revised Standard Version (© 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.)

NTE = New Testament for Everyone (©2011 Nicolas Thomas Wright.)

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