Monday, June 17, 2024


PSALM 98:1 (ABP)
Sing something new for GOD.
He’s so deserving 
   because of the marvelous things he's done!

JOHN 1:16 (ABP)
We're all living off the boundless generosity of the Son. His gifts just keep coming.

Respond to the generosity of God with a new song. 

If God deserves a new song, what is the old song that needs to be retired? 

Gracious God, thank you for the blessings upon blessings you have provided in my life. Because of you, I have a song to sing and stories to tell. I'm sorry sometimes the music and words stay inside my mind and heart. Show me someone today with whom I can share your melody of grace and love. Amen. (Daily TextsGround Up Grace edition)

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024


The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

PSALM 104:27-28 (CEB)
All your creations wait for you
    to give them their food on time.
When you give it to them, they gather it up;
    when you open your hand, they are filled completely full!

JOHN 6:35 (MSG)
Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever."

Those who are in a relationship with Jesus are fully satisfied. 

What kind of hunger and thirst is Jesus talking about?

I thank you, God, for sending Jesus into the world to satisfy our needs. I admit that there are times when my soul drifts and I look elsewhere. But nothing is as satisfying as life with him, according to his plan. So please help me to stay on track. Everything else ends up so disorienting. I'm looking to you to satisfy all my hunger and thirst. Amen. 

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024


HOSEA 10:12 (ABP)
Plant justice and you'll reap as well a bumper crop of consistent unending love.

LUKE 12:16-17, 19-20 ()
A rich man's farm produced a big crop, and he said to himself, “You have stored up enough good things to last for years to come. Live it up! Eat, drink, and enjoy yourself.’”

But God said to him, “You fool! Tonight you will die. Then who will get what you have stored up?”

Plant justice and you'll reap as well a bumper crop of consistent unending love.

What are you planting? How does one go about planting justice seeds? What does that even mean?

Generous Savior, you provide all that we need for where we are. Forgive me for the way that I've been captivated by the allure of "the good life" and have been cosumed with planting the seeds of success. Retrain me so that I'm  equally consumed with planting seeds of justice. With Jesus I want to have a heart full of compassion, mercy, and love. Amen. 

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. 

Friday, June 14, 2024


EZRA 3:11 (CEB)
All of the people shouted with praise to the Lord because the foundation of the Lord’s house had been laid.

No one can lay any other foundation besides the one that is already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Accept no substitutes; the only sustainable foundation is Jesus Christ himself.

How does Jesus function as the foundation of your life? What does that look like for you?

Almighty God, you have graced us with a mighty foundation that withstands all assaults and all disasters. You are the only safe place to build. Yet, I confess that I've been busy building my own thing on my own foundation. But the things that seemed like such a good idea in the past don't seem so sustainable anymore. Help me to shift everything over to you and your foundation. I want to become a part of the temple, the house, that you are building to change the world. I now know that I can't do anything on my own, but I am trusting you to make the lasting difference.  Amen. 

Our Father in Heaven,
     we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
     so that everything that happens here will align
     with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
     and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. 



The Daily Texts have been published by the Moravian Church since 1731. In 2015 I started posting these Bible verses for my spiritual formation students at Pacific Islands University. In the process of responding to the verses, I found the rhythm of looking for a common thread and writing a prayer based on that key idea to be helpful for my own soul.

The prayers are more or less modeled on the TRIP method, which is what I ask my students to do in their journaling. ~ Brad Boydston


ABP = Authorized Boydston Paraphrase -- a freestyle biblical adaptation -- somewhere between paraphrase, commentary, and sermon

CEB = Common English Bible (©2011, the Common English Bible)

CEV = Contemporary English Version (©1995, American Bible Society)

EEB = EasyEnglish Bible (©2015, MissionAssist)

ERV = Easy-To-Read Version (©2006, World Bible Translation Center)

GNT = Good News Translation (©1992, American Bible Society)

MSG = The Message (©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson)

NCB = New Catholic Bible (©2019 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp.)

NCV = New Century Version (©2005, Thomas Nelson Inc)

NIRV = New International Reader's Version (©1996, 1998, Biblica)

NIV = New International Version (©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, Biblica)

NLT = New Living Translation (©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, Tyndale House Foundation)

NRSV = New Revised Standard Version (© 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.)

NTE = New Testament for Everyone (©2011 Nicolas Thomas Wright.)

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