Let every living thing praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.
There is nothing more basic to life than praising God.
"Doxology passed into English from Medieval Latin doxologia, which in turn comes from the Greek term doxa, meaning 'opinion' or 'glory,' and the suffix -logia, which refers to oral or written expression. It's logical enough, therefore, that "doxology" has referred to an oral expression of praise and glorification since it first appeared in English around 1645. The word ultimately derives from the Greek verb dokein, meaning 'to seem' or 'to seem good.'" (Merriam-Webster)
All glory is yours, God. Help me make my life a doxology. It is the least and the most I can do. Amen.
Our Father in Heaven,
we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
so that everything that happens here will align
with what is happening in heaven.
and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. Amen.