God! You shook earth to the foundations,
ripped open huge crevasses.
Heal the breaks! Everything’s
coming apart at the seams.
MARK 4:38-39 (MSG)
And Jesus was in the stern, head on a pillow, sleeping! They roused him, saying, “Teacher, is it nothing to you that we’re going down?”
Awake now, he told the wind to pipe down and said to the sea, “Quiet! Settle down!” The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass.
Despite the responses of some, as disciples we are called to be an unanxious presence in the midst of storms.
What sorms are you currently facing? What keeps you calm?
God, I don't know if things are getting crazier or if it just seems that way, but I'm glad that I follow someone who can calm storms. Forgive me for allowing the storms we're facing to stress me out. Sometimes I end up saying things that I shouldn't because I'm stressed. Calm my soul so that I can act as the non-anxious presence in these crazy times. I'm going to ride in the boat with Jesus. Amen.
Our Father in Heaven,
we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
so that everything that happens here will align
with what is happening in heaven.
and we’ll forgive those who wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. Amen.