So Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen to serve the LORD.”
They said, “We are witnesses!”
2 PETER 1:10-11 (MSG)
So, friends, confirm God’s invitation to you, his choice of you. Don’t put it off; do it now. Do this, and you’ll have your life on a firm footing, the streets paved and the way wide open into the eternal kingdom of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Confirm God's calling in your life.
How do you confirm your place in God's company? What is Peter actually asking us to do? Read the surrounding passages for context.
Eternal God, my vow to serve only you is unsteady. Small gods surround me—gods of wealth, success, and a feeble view of happiness. Yet you, Lord, have called and chosen me—wobbly, forgiven me. Today I confirm your call with a thankful yes. I can't wait to give witness to your faithful, enduring, forgiving love. Amen. (Daily Texts, Ground Up Grace edition)
Our Father in Heaven,
we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
so that everything that happens here will align
with what is happening in heaven.
Our Father in Heaven,
we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
so that everything that happens here will align
with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. Amen.
and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. Amen.