Woe to those addicted to feeling good—life without pain!
those obsessed with looking good—life without wrinkles!
They could not care less
about their country going to ruin.
Instead of overindulging on booze—which will be your demise—indulge on the Holy Spirit...
Instead of overindulging on things that make you feel good temporarily, indulge on the things of the Spirit for long-term vitality.
How do we replace short-term indulgences with long-term Spirit infused vitality? Practically speaking, what does that look like?
Thank you, Lord, for giving meaning and purpose to my life. Forgive me for undermining that meaning and purpose through frivilous flings with shallow short-term feel-good substitutes. Fill me with your Spirit and your divine ways. I'm going to allow you to reshape and redefine my life according to your perfect specs. Amen.
Our Father in Heaven,
we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
so that everything that happens here will align
with what is happening in heaven.
and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. Amen.