I will guard my Temple
and protect it...
LUKE 8:24-25 (MSG)
Getting to his feet, he told the wind, “Silence!” and the waves, “Quiet down!” They did it. The lake became smooth as glass.
Then he said to his disciples, “Why can’t you trust me?”
God guards his own.
If God is guarding his own people—his own endeavors—how does that define our responsibility in the overall opreation?
Watchful Savior, thank you for protecting us. I confess that I am easily sucked into the drama of the crazy world in which we live. Help me to trust your ongoing protection and to live accoding to your wisdom—engaged but not traumatized by the storms. I'm going to act in faith and chill-out as an act of divinely ordered resistance. Amen.
Our Father in Heaven,
we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
so that everything that happens here will align
with what is happening in heaven.
Our Father in Heaven,
we hold your name in the highest regard.
Please come and establish your reign here on earth
so that everything that happens here will align
with what is happening in heaven.
Give us enough food for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing,
and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. Amen.
and we’ll forgive those who have wronged us.
Shield us from the trials and temptations that come our way.
Lastly, we pray that you will protect us from all forms of evil. Amen.